Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama In Canada: For Teachers

Following the day of Obama's inauguration, I wanted to discuss what this influential man has done for US's polite neighbours to the the north and its educators. Yesterday, people all over our country, joined by those in other countries around the world, were glued to their tv sets to see the 44th American President take center stage. It is refreshing to finally look at the US with pride and be excited by the sense of hope that resinates across the country. What makes a great leader? What is it that draws people to this man? How can he inspire us, and through us, our students?

A great leader is a gifted orator. Carefully constructed speaches, with honest messages, delivered elequently, can capture an audience's attention and unite those listening toward a common cause. To faulter in speach and in actions, is to show weakness, and those who wish to bring that person down, will pounce on any hesitation and puncture their sails. But along with an effective weilding of words, a great leader must always be an active listener and hear from those both for and against what he/she represents. In listening to these different points of view, one must be aware of the uniqueness of all speakers through their variety of life experiences and their distinctive ways of viewing the world. But this list is not complete. What else contributes to great leadership?

And now Barack himself. He does exhibit the qualities of a great speaker who knows when to listen, but how and what can we learn from him? He looks to those who are often silenced. He strives to return power to the individual, regardless of the size of their wallet, but rather for the "content of their character." And in doing this he provides hope. Hope from the people got him the vote, but time will tell what actions will accompany his words. Already, in the lead-up to the day that he took office, he has carefully chosen his Senate, who will work closely with him to make crutial decisions on behalf of the entire country, and world in some instances. In doing this, he confronted individual differences and chose these individuals not based on their likeness to him, but for the unique insights that they would bring to the table. He is not ignorant to differences of opinion to his own, and welcomes critique to his own to better provide for his country. Again, this list has not been exhausted.

As a teacher, he gives us a model to eminate in order to inspire those looking to us for guidance. We can be that leader who inspires through our words and actions. We must accept each student who steps into our care, who is trusting that we will keep them safe and accept them for who they are and not who they appear to be. Obama has encouraged us to challenge long standing assumptions and stereotypes of the past and has got people talking all over the world. He is bringing people together who may have never uttered a word between them. There is a lot we can learn from this great man already in these early days of knowing him. Keep sharing. He's got us talking so we might as well continue...

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